Time |
s |
20Hz |
The official GPS time. It starts on the 5th January 1980 at 24:00:00, and corresponds to a deviation of the 19s Atomic Time TAI |
raction |
20Hz |
A counting variable in the second
Latitude |
°/1e7 |
5Hz |
Latitude times 10^7, also 471234567 =47.1234567° |
Longitude |
°/1e7 |
5Hz |
Longitude times 10^7, also 471234567 =47.1234567° |
Height_ellipsoid |
m |
5Hz |
Hight above WGS84 Ellipsoid |
Height_msl |
m |
5Hz |
Hight above mean sea level (altitude above sea) |
Accuracy_hor |
dm |
5Hz |
A number that says something about the horizontal accuracy. 50% of the fixes that are within the radius in decimeters
Accuracy_ver |
dm |
5Hz |
A number that says something about the vertical accuracy. 50% of the fixes that are within the radius in decimeters |
Speed_gnd |
dm/s |
5Hz |
Speed over ground
Heading |
°/10 |
5Hz |
The direction of flight relative to the ground, from the GPS system
Satellites |
5Hz |
Number of satellites which are used for the calculation
Fix |
5Hz |
2D or 3D Fix |
TimeOfDay |
sec |
5Hz |
The number of seconds since 0:00 UTC clock |
Nanoseconds |
ns |
5Hz |
The exact time of the fix, the coordinate with the difference in nanoseconds with respect to the GPS time
Time_Valid |
5Hz |
A flag whether the time is valid or not, the flag is linked to Fix
Pressure |
mPA |
8Hz |
The absolute pressure in millipascal |
Altitude |
cm |
8Hz |
The pressure level according to the ICAO formula based on 1013.25 hPa |
Vario |
cm/s |
8Hz |
The vario value, the vertical velocity in cm/s
Temperature |
°C/10 |
8Hz |
The temperature of the pressure sensor in 1/10 °C |
Acc_X |
m/s^2 |
20Hz |
The acceleration in the X-direction devices in m/s^2 |
Acc_Y |
m/s^2 |
20Hz |
The acceleration in the Y-direction devices in m/s^2 |
Acc_Z |
m/s^2 |
20Hz |
The acceleration in the Z-direction devices in m/s^2 |
Mag_X |
Gauss |
20Hz |
The magnetic flux density in units X-direction Gauss |
Mag_Y |
Gauss |
20Hz |
The magnetic flux density in units Y-direction Gauss |
Mag_Z |
Gauss |
20Hz |
The magnetic flux density in units Z-direction Gauss |
Gyro_X |
rad/s |
20Hz |
The angular acceleration in the -X devices direction in radians per second |
Gyro_Y |
rad/s |
20Hz |
The angular acceleration in the -Y devices direction in radians per second |
Gyro_Z |
rad/s |
20Hz |
The angular acceleration in the -Z devices direction in radians per second |
Roll |
° |
20Hz |
The position of the device in Device X direction in degrees according to the Aeronautical definition
Pitch |
° |
20Hz |
The position of the device in Device Y direction in degrees according to the Aeronautical definition |
Yaw |
° |
20Hz |
The position of the device in Device Z direction in degrees according to the Aeronautical definition |
Quat0,1,2,3 |
20Hz |
The four quarternions with the respect to the axis devices for further use in mathematics programs